Hunt Talk Radio Podcast presented by

Hunt Talk Radio Podcast presented by

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In this episode of Leupold’s Hunt Talk Radio, Randy and Marcus sit down with Jim Baichtail to talk about the new conservation group known as the Blacktail Deer Foundation. Originating within the Mule Deer Foundation, Jim is leading the efforts for Sitka Blacktails in Alaska, while his co-workers lead the efforts for Columbia Blacktails in the Pacific Northwest. Topics covered include a lot of hunting stories, where the new idea started, different needs for different deer, Sitka blacktails as an […]
Randy discusses conservation easements with Jennifer Doherty of the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation and Kendall Van Dyk of Montana Land Reliance, both who have extensive careers helping private landowners conserve their landscapes with conservation easements (CE). Topics covered include CEs, CEs as one of many tools working landowners need, willing-seller/donor exercising one of their property rights, when a CE is the best tool, a CE isn’t always the solution, tax issues involving CEs, myths around CEs, the role CEs play to […]
Randy and Marcus join Joel Webster of Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partners (TRCP) on Joel’s Nevada elk hunt. Topics covered include a great elk hunting story, conservation issues creating huge challenges for native wildlife, specifically feral horses, invasive cheatgrass, conifer encroachment, changing fire cycles, and the need to increase priority of those issues. Mule deer, elk, pronghorn, and sage grouse of the Great Basin states are suffering from these invasive species. A call to action for hunters to help. Learn more about your ad choices. Visit […]
Three regulars stop arguing and work together to advocate for mule deer
In this episode (#253) Randy is joined by David Willms, an attorney with the National Wildlife Federation and avid hunter from Wyoming. The guys explore Utah’s latest attempt to demand 18 million acres of BLM lands be transferred to Utah. Utah is known for selling their state lands to fund their school system. What’s the motivation? Why now? This is another repackaged effort to rekindle the movement to rid America of its public lands. Utah is spending millions and millions […]
In this episode (#252) of Leupold’s Hunt Talk Radio, Randy is joined by Mike Kautz and Paul Kemper of American Prairie, known as AP. Topics focus on access and conservation. AP has enrolled 88,000 acres of their private land in Montana’s Block Management access program, along with allowing access across their private land to reach otherwise inaccessible public lands. The focus is on an uncrowded “quality experience,” not necessarily big animals. AP has a herd of 800 bison and leases their lands […]
In this episode (#250) of Leupold’s Hunt Talk Radio, Randy is joined by Curt Meine of the Aldo Leopold Foundation to talk about the legacy of Aldo Leopold as we celebrate 100 years of the Gila Wilderness and 75 years after the Sand County Almanac. Topics covered include expansion of the Land Ethic Leopold started, history of Gila Wilderness, revolutionary thinking, Wilderness Society, Thinking Like a Mountain, humans as part of a big community, indigenous knowledge, and other topics that […]
In this episode of Leupold’s Hunt Talk Radio, Randy talks mule deer, research, and migrations with Dr. Kevin Monteith from the University of Wyoming. In addition to some pronghorn and other points, topics covered include habitat being primary importance, fidelity to a core area, migrators learn from mom, fat does mean healthy fawns, mule deer as specialists, migration distance changes peak rut dates, mule deer not as adaptable as elk, elk do impact mule deer, pronghorn management to have our […]