In this Episode (056) of Leupold’s Hunt Talk Radio, Randy shares the mic with two of the best hunters you never met, Buzz Hettick and Jeff Muratore, both Wyoming residents and public land activists who have an amazing mix of insight to hunting strategies, public lands, and hunting advocacy.  Topics covered include Wyoming as a generous place for non-resident hunters, residents helping non-residents, Wyoming as the best elk managers in the West, use resident draw odds when applying as a non-resident, be your own hunting consultant, it’s OK to disagree with fellow advocates, non-resident antelope hunting as a profit center, tragedy of dying with money that could have been spent on hunting, Wyoming non-resident wilderness bill, the rules are made by those who show up, why State Lands are different in the west, guerilla style advocacy, using social media for activism, policy makers want to hear from you, complaining on Facebook as a waste of time, state hunting access programs, backpack antelope hunting, why everyone should be a pronghorn hunter, put ‘em to bed and fill your tag the next morning, overlooked mule deer, CWD in mule deer versus elk, migration studies, conserving the most critical habitat, and topics that will have you applying in Wyoming for the rest of your hunting years.
